Re-Imagine the Moon

Re-Imagine the Moon

Published in Moon

Ask anyone or any AI about Earth’s Moon and they will likely use words like desolate, grey, dead, lifeless, and even “lonely”. Since the moon is a celestial body, loneliness might not be something it experiences in the scientific sense. But for a more whimsical approach, here are some features that could make it less […]

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Haikus for the Moon

Haikus for the Moon

Published in Moon Art

Haikus for the Moon Silent, cratered face,Reflecting sun’s soft light, it keepsEarth’s tides in its pull. Pale orb in the night,Silent companion, it guards,Ocean’s ebb and flow. Pale orb in the night,Silent guardian, cratered face,Reflects borrowed light. Lonely Moon Epigrams Bathed in borrowed light, it sees,A world of life, yet never breathes. A borrowed light, […]

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Spacelife AI Art Short Story

Spacelife AI Art Short Story

Published in SciFi

Check out a short video on fictional life of a space worker far into the future when space travel and space work is common. Moonbase sitting on his way back home. AI assisted art is coming very fast.

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NASA releases a new Far side of the Moon video

NASA releases a new Far side of the Moon video

Published in Moon Videos

NASA calls it the Far side of the moon video. I guess the Dark side of the moon phrase was already taken by Pink Floyd! Technically there is no permanent “dark” side of the moon. The moon rotates in sync with the earth so we see the same side all the time but almost all […]

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